Release date: November 8, 2021
We are excited to release WAVE Portal version 1.4.9, which includes enhancements to several areas of the WAVE platform. These improvements are detailed below. Partners should take particular note of the Device Management changes described below.
Device Management
- Grant System Access is now only available to WAVE Portal users of type Administrator. If a user requires this capability and is currently assigned to user type Employee, then an Administrator for the account must update the user by selecting Options > Edit when viewing the user's WAVE Portal profile page, and setting User Type to Administrator. Once saved, the user will be able to Grant System Access, as well as perform other administrative actions on the account.
- Systems that connect to the WAVE App (GO, PRO, SOLO, DUO, and PRIME) now have improved Device Lock management, including the ability to initiate Pending Lock/Unlock requests while the device is offline and also issue an Unlock Code for use in the WAVE App. Please refer to the article, Locking and Unlocking a Cel-Fi Booster Using the WAVE System
The Systems section of the WAVE Portal has received several usability improvements, including:
- A new Tags feature has been added for Systems. Users can now create and assign a Tag to better organize and locate Systems. Tags are managed within your organization; all users can view, create and delete Tags. With one or more Tags assigned to a System, you can now filter the list of Systems for those which have at least one of the Tags you're interested in. Tags can represent geography, identify all the Systems for a specific end customer, or whatever is most helpful for your organization.
- The Systems page has been updated to support sorting across pagination. Now, when sorting a column, the list of Systems across all pages will be considered in the sort, not just the current page. (Note: Similar functionality will be added for Sites in a future release.)
- Filtering by product has improved granularity. For example, GO G31 and GO G32 were previously grouped together within "GO," and are now listed separately.
- A new sortable column of icons has been added to indicate the Online status of a system. The leftmost column now indicates only the most severe Active Alarm, if any. Previously, information about Alarms and Online Status was combined into a single indicator. The three new Online Status icons are:
Offline. Direct connection (RJ45 or SIM) last used.
Offline. Bluetooth connection via WAVE App last used.
- If there is no Online Status indicator icon for a System, then the Cel-Fi device is Offline and WAVE Portal does not have a record of the method used for the last connection made from this system.
- The Notifications page has two filters added:
- Severity - All/High/Medium/Low
- All Alarms or only Active Alarms
- The notification cards on the Dashboard page have always counted only active alarms; however, previously the list of notifications returned when clicking on a card was not filtered. Now, clicking the Dashboard card that says "5 High Level Notifications" (for example) will return a list of those five active high severity notifications.
Public Safety
- A dedicated device page for QUATRA RED Monitor and Battery Backup Unit (MBBU) and Management Unit (MU) devices is now available, accessible from the System Detail page. This new page provides a device overview, including connection and alarm status.
- MBBU and MU devices can now be remotely restarted on-demand, via the Options menu on the new MBBU/MU device page.
- Public Safety Survey Report now includes the option to set Pass/Fail Threshold criteria for each technology, so the default -95 dBm may now be modified, when necessary per local AHJ requirement.
- The Assets section of the System page for RED systems has been updated to include display of each RED Active Server Antenna. Users can now quickly confirm the status of all RED system components on one screen, including Path Loss detail for each Active Server Antenna.
Issues Resolved
- On the Public Safety Survey Report, the Total Area Failed in the Measurements Summary section now also counts areas that were not tested. Note that these areas were previously reported as failures in the detailed list, but not within the Summary.
- Resolved an issue that caused a timeout error when attempting to Revoke Access when multiple permission entries were selected.
- Resolved an issue that caused the BandSettings operation of QUATRA 4000 units to time out in an edge case that occurs when Port B was disabled.
- Resolved an issue that caused the cable length to appear incorrectly on the Ethernet Cable Status display when a Fiber Range Extender's cable length neared 2000 meters.
- Resolved a UI display issue that caused the Downlink System Gain on the QUATRA RED asset page to be shown as "0" when the NU did not have a CU attached to port 4.
