Are you experiencing issues with your LTE coverage?
There are a few reasons why your phone would experience an issue with the LTE service. You may not have LTE in your area, your Cel-Fi system may have lost the LTE signal due to intermittent network outages, your phone may not support LTE, or your phone may not be compatible with the frequency being boosted by the Cel-Fi DUO.
- A flashing LTE light means that your Cel-Fi DUO system is actively searching for the LTE signal. The Cel-Fi DUO will scan at startup and scan again every 24 hours.
- If your LTE light is not lit and not flashing, your Cel-Fi DUO has lost, or never found an LTE signal and has momentarily stopped searching. The Cel-Fi DUO will scan at startup and scan again every 24 hours.
**Network Unit (NU) is also known as the Window Unit (WU).**