Release date: May 26, 2023
WAVE PRO App version 1.6.5 includes the following:
- Resolved an issue that caused COMPASS software updates using an Android 13 device to fail due to Bluetooth disconnection.
- The “COMPASS Update” button will now appear on the Dashboard when connected to a COMPASS with an available software update, even if the user declined the option to download the update upon initial connection.
- Resolved an issue that prevented Survey Sync when the filename or pathname of one of the Site’s Floorplans included select special characters, such as &.
- Resolved an issue that caused some n78 scan results not to be reported.
- Resolved an issue that caused some 5G-NR bandwidth values to be reported without the expected rounding.
- Add a note on the Bands to Scan screen, "Note: Narrowing selections to only those bands needed in your region greatly improves scan speed."
- Product names have been updated in the WAVE PRO App.
- QUATRA RED is now called SHIELD EXTEND, Nextivity's integrated Public Safety DAS for 700/800MHz LMR and FirstNet with scalable coverage up to 1.9M ft².
- SOLO RED is now called SHIELD SOLO, Nextivity's 0.5W ERCES Public Safety BDA for Small-to-Mid Sized Buildings.
See also: Prior release, Version 1.6.3